Friday, September 03, 2004

makin' out is hard to do

when you're a dude with little to no game, and probably like 4.5-5.5 on the hotornot scale (like me), you might have a bit of troubs trying to convince a fine young lady to suck your face. it's just the nature of things. granted, you probably would have little trouble getting a non-fine lady to suck your face - depending on your standards, the weather, the vagarities of the price of PBR in brooklyn, etc.

all in all, though, it can be a reliable gambit. find a fat lady on the internet, buy her dinner, hold your breath, and go to town. but where's the fun in that? you can't tell anyone about it, and you just end up feeling guilty after you tittyfuck her. (true story.)

so the next-best option is to find a girl you're sorta into, like say a chick with a great record collection and little in the way of social skills, or maybe a totes boring chick with a good heart who laughs at everything you say. they should be slightly better than average-looking. of course these females actually might have options, so you have to do some groundwork. show up at her DJ night, IM her all day when the boss is out of town, annoying shit like that. cook her dinner, meet her friends, ugh, then like in a week or two you can totally suck her face for a minute. is it worth? ehh... sure. yeah it is. if you're an average-looking dude with no game, it's how the world works. you can't go against the nature of things.


Blogger Queenie said...

Just think of how kind you are being, offering a service like that.


5:11 AM  

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